The Attorney General shall establish such financial institutions fraud task forces as the Attorney General deems appropriate to ensure that adequate resources are made available to investigate and prosecute crimes in or against financial institutions and to recover the proceeds of unlawful activities from persons who have committed fraud or have engaged in other criminal activity in or against the financial services industry.
The Attorney General shall determine how each task force shall be supervised and may provide for the supervision of any task force by the Special Counsel.
The senior interagency group shall be chaired by the Special Counsel and shall include senior officials from—
(1) Establishment The Attorney General shall establish a senior interagency group to assist in identifying the most significant financial institution fraud cases and in allocating investigative and prosecutorial resources where they are most needed.
The senior interagency group shall be chaired by the Special Counsel and shall include senior officials from—
(A) the Department of Justice, including representatives of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Advisory Committee of United States Attorneys, and other relevant entities;
(B) the Department of the Treasury;
(C) the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation;
(D) the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency;
(E) the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; and
(F) the National Credit Union Administration.
(3) Duties This senior interagency group shall enhance interagency coordination and assist in accelerating the investigations and prosecution of financial institutions fraud.
(Pub. L. 101–647, title XXV, § 2539, Nov. 29, 1990, 104 Stat. 4884; Pub. L. 111–203, title III, § 359(1), July 21, 2010, 124 Stat. 1548.)