§ 3254. General program requirements

29 U.S.C. § 3254 (N/A)
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Except as otherwise provided in this subchapter, the following conditions apply to all programs under this subchapter:

(1) Each program under this subchapter shall provide employment and training opportunities to those who can benefit from, and who are most in need of, such opportunities. In addition, the recipients of Federal funding for programs under this subchapter shall make efforts to develop programs that contribute to occupational development, upward mobility, development of new careers, and opportunities for nontraditional employment.

(2) Funds provided under this subchapter shall only be used for activities that are in addition to activities that would otherwise be available in the local area in the absence of such funds.

Any local area may enter into an agreement with another local area (including a local area that is a city or county within the same labor market) to pay or share the cost of educating, training, or placing individuals participating in programs assisted under this subchapter, including the provision of supportive services.

(A) Any local area may enter into an agreement with another local area (including a local area that is a city or county within the same labor market) to pay or share the cost of educating, training, or placing individuals participating in programs assisted under this subchapter, including the provision of supportive services.

(B) Such agreement shall be approved by each local board for a local area entering into the agreement and shall be described in the local plan under section 3123 of this title.

(4) On-the-job training contracts under this subchapter, shall not be entered into with employers who have received payments under previous contracts under this Act or the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and have exhibited a pattern of failing to provide on-the-job training participants with continued long-term employment as regular employees with wages and employment benefits (including health benefits) and working conditions at the same level and to the same extent as other employees working a similar length of time and doing the same type of work.

(5) No person or organization may charge an individual a fee for the placement or referral of the individual in or to a workforce investment activity under this subchapter.

(6) The Secretary shall not provide financial assistance for any program under this subchapter that involves political activities.

Income subject to the requirements of subparagraph (A) shall include—

(A) Income under any program administered by a public or private nonprofit entity may be retained by such entity only if such income is used to continue to carry out the program.

(B) Income subject to the requirements of subparagraph (A) shall include— (i) receipts from goods or services (including conferences) provided as a result of activities funded under this subchapter; (ii) funds provided to a service provider under this subchapter that are in excess of the costs associated with the services provided; and (iii) interest income earned on funds received under this subchapter.

(C) For purposes of this paragraph, each entity receiving financial assistance under this subchapter shall maintain records sufficient to determine the amount of such income received and the purposes for which such income is expended.

The Secretary shall notify the Governor and the appropriate local board and chief elected official of, and consult with the Governor and such board and official concerning, any activity to be funded by the Secretary under this subchapter within the corresponding State or local area.

(A) The Secretary shall notify the Governor and the appropriate local board and chief elected official of, and consult with the Governor and such board and official concerning, any activity to be funded by the Secretary under this subchapter within the corresponding State or local area.

(B) The Governor shall notify the appropriate local board and chief elected official of, and consult with such board and official concerning, any activity to be funded by the Governor under this subchapter within the corresponding local area.

All education programs for youth supported with funds provided under subpart 2 of part B shall be consistent with applicable State and local educational standards.

(A) All education programs for youth supported with funds provided under subpart 2 of part B shall be consistent with applicable State and local educational standards.

(B) Standards and procedures with respect to awarding academic credit and certifying educational attainment in programs conducted under such subpart shall be consistent with the requirements of applicable State and local law, including regulation.

(10) No funds available under this subchapter may be used for public service employment except as specifically authorized under this subchapter.

(11) The Federal requirements governing the title, use, and disposition of real property, equipment, and supplies purchased with funds provided under this subchapter shall be the corresponding Federal requirements generally applicable to such items purchased through Federal grants to States and local governments.

(12) Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed to provide an individual with an entitlement to a service under this subchapter.

Services, facilities, or equipment funded under this subchapter may be used, as appropriate, on a fee-for-service basis, by employers in a local area in order to provide employment and training activities to incumbent workers—

(A) when such services, facilities, or equipment are not in use for the provision of services for eligible participants under this subchapter;

(B) if such use for incumbent workers would not have an adverse effect on the provision of services to eligible participants under this subchapter; and

(C) if the income derived from such fees is used to carry out the programs authorized under this subchapter.

(14) Funds provided under this subchapter shall not be used to establish or operate a stand-alone fee-for-service enterprise in a situation in which a private sector employment agency (as defined in section 2000e of title 42) is providing full access to similar or related services in such a manner as to fully meet the identified need. For purposes of this paragraph, such an enterprise does not include a one-stop delivery system described in section 3151(e) of this title.

None of the funds available under this subchapter shall be used by a recipient or subrecipient of such funds to pay the salary and bonuses of an individual, either as direct costs or indirect costs, at a rate in excess of the annual rate of basic pay prescribed for level II of the Executive Schedule under section 5313 of title 5.

(A) None of the funds available under this subchapter shall be used by a recipient or subrecipient of such funds to pay the salary and bonuses of an individual, either as direct costs or indirect costs, at a rate in excess of the annual rate of basic pay prescribed for level II of the Executive Schedule under section 5313 of title 5.

(B) The limitation described in subparagraph (A) shall not apply to vendors providing goods and services as defined in Office of Management and Budget Circular A–133. In a case in which a State is a recipient of such funds, the State may establish a lower limit than is provided in subparagraph (A) for salaries and bonuses of those receiving salaries and bonuses from a subrecipient of such funds, taking into account factors including the relative cost of living in the State, the compensation levels for comparable State or local government employees, and the size of the organizations that administer the Federal programs involved.

(Pub. L. 113–128, title I, § 194, July 22, 2014, 128 Stat. 1605.)