No provision of any trade agreement entered into under section 4202(b) of this title, nor the application of any such provision to any person or circumstance, that is inconsistent with any law of the United States, any State of the United States, or any locality of the United States shall have effect.
No provision of any trade agreement entered into under section 4202(b) of this title shall prevent the United States, any State of the United States, or any locality of the United States from amending or modifying any law of the United States, that State, or that locality (as the case may be).
Reports, including findings and recommendations, issued by dispute settlement panels convened pursuant to any trade agreement entered into under section 4202(b) of this title shall have no binding effect on the law of the United States, the Government of the United States, or the law or government of any State or locality of the United States.
(Pub. L. 114–26, title I, § 108, June 29, 2015, 129 Stat. 356.)