For purposes of this chapter—
(1) The term “agreement” includes any amendment to, or extension of, any agreement under this chapter that enters into force with respect to the United States.
The term “archaeological or ethnological material of the State Party” means—
(A) any object of archaeological interest;
(B) any object of ethnological interest; or
(C) any fragment or part of any object referred to in subparagraph (A) or (B);
(3) The term “Committee” means the Cultural Property Advisory Committee established under section 2605 of this title.
(4) The term “consignee” means a consignee as defined in section 1483 [1] of this title.
(5) The term “Convention” means the Convention on the means of prohibiting and preventing the illicit import, export, and transfer of ownership of cultural property adopted by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization at its sixteenth session.
(6) The term “cultural property” includes articles described in article 1(a) through (k) of the Convention whether or not any such article is specifically designated as such by any State Party for the purposes of such article.
The term “designated archaeological or ethnological material” means any archaeological or ethnological material of the State Party which—
(A) is— (i) covered by an agreement under this chapter that enters into force with respect to the United States, or (ii) subject to emergency action under section 2603 of this title, and
(B) is listed by regulation under section 2604 of this title.
(8) The term “Secretary” means the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate.
(9) The term “State Party” means any nation which has ratified, accepted, or acceded to the Convention.
(10) The term “United States” includes the several States, the District of Columbia, and any territory or area the foreign relations for which the United States is responsible.
The term “United States citizen” means—
(A) any individual who is a citizen or national of the United States;
(B) any corporation, partnership, association, or other legal entity organized or existing under the laws of the United States or any State; or
(C) any department, agency, or entity of the Federal Government or of any government of any State.
(Pub. L. 97–446, title III, § 302, Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2351.)