§ 410hhh–5. Administration of national park and preserve

16 U.S.C. § 410hhh-5 (N/A)
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The Secretary shall administer the national park and the preserve in accordance with—

(1) this subchapter; and

all laws generally applicable to units of the National Park System, including—

(A) the Act entitled “An Act to establish a National Park Service, and for other purposes”, approved August 25, 1916 (16 U.S.C. 1, 2–4); [1] and

(B) the Act entitled “An Act to provide for the preservation of historic American sites, buildings, objects, and antiquities of national significance, and for other purposes”, approved August 21, 1935 (16 U.S.C. 461 et seq.).1

With respect to former State or private land on which grazing is authorized to occur on November 22, 2000, and which is acquired for the national monument, or the national park and preserve, or the wildlife refuge, the Secretary, in consultation with the lessee, may permit the continuation of grazing on the land by the lessee at the time of acquisition, subject to applicable law (including regulations).

(1) Acquired State or private land With respect to former State or private land on which grazing is authorized to occur on November 22, 2000, and which is acquired for the national monument, or the national park and preserve, or the wildlife refuge, the Secretary, in consultation with the lessee, may permit the continuation of grazing on the land by the lessee at the time of acquisition, subject to applicable law (including regulations).

(2) Federal land Where grazing is permitted on land that is Federal land as of November 22, 2000, and that is located within the boundaries of the national monument or the national park and preserve, the Secretary is authorized to permit the continuation of such grazing activities unless the Secretary determines that grazing would harm the resources or values of the national park or the preserve.

(3) Termination of leases Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit the Secretary from accepting the voluntary termination of leases or permits for grazing within the national monument or the national park or the preserve.

Except as provided in paragraph (2), the Secretary shall permit hunting, fishing, and trapping on land and water within the preserve in accordance with applicable Federal and State laws.

(1) In general Except as provided in paragraph (2), the Secretary shall permit hunting, fishing, and trapping on land and water within the preserve in accordance with applicable Federal and State laws.

(2) Administrative exceptions The Secretary may designate areas where, and establish limited periods when, no hunting, fishing, or trapping shall be permitted under paragraph (1) for reasons of public safety, administration, or compliance with applicable law.

(3) Agency agreement Except in an emergency, regulations closing areas within the preserve to hunting, fishing, or trapping under this subsection shall be made in consultation with the appropriate agency of the State of Colorado having responsibility for fish and wildlife administration.

(4) Savings clause Nothing in this subchapter affects any jurisdiction or responsibility of the State of Colorado with respect to fish and wildlife on Federal land and water covered by this subchapter.

Any feature of the Closed Basin Division, San Luis Valley Project, located within the boundaries of the national monument, national park or the national wildlife refuge, including any well, pump, road, easement, pipeline, canal, ditch, power line, power supply facility, or any other project facility, and the operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement of such a feature—

(1) shall not be affected by this subchapter; and

(2) shall continue to be the responsibility of, and be operated by, the Bureau of Reclamation in accordance with title I of the Reclamation Project Authorization Act of 1972 (43 U.S.C. 615aaa et seq.).1

On November 22, 2000, subject to valid existing rights, all Federal land depicted on the map as being located within Zone A, or within the boundaries of the national monument, the national park or the preserve is withdrawn from—

On November 22, 2000, subject to valid existing rights, all Federal land depicted on the map as being located within Zone A, or within the boundaries of the national monument, the national park or the preserve is withdrawn from—

(A) all forms of entry, appropriation, or disposal under the public land laws;

(B) location, entry, and patent under the mining laws; and

(C) disposition under all laws relating to mineral and geothermal leasing.

The provisions of this subsection also shall apply to any lands—

(A) acquired under this subchapter; or

(B) transferred from any Federal agency after November 22, 2000, for the national monument, the national park or preserve, or the national wildlife refuge.

Nothing in this subchapter alters the Wilderness designation of any land within the national monument, the national park, or the preserve.

(1) Nothing in this subchapter alters the Wilderness designation of any land within the national monument, the national park, or the preserve.

(2) All areas designated as Wilderness that are transferred to the administrative jurisdiction of the National Park Service shall remain subject to the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.) and the Colorado Wilderness Act of 1993 (Public Law 103–77; 16 U.S.C. 539i note). If any part of this subchapter conflicts with the provisions of the Wilderness Act or the Colorado Wilderness Act of 1993 with respect to the wilderness areas within the preserve boundaries, the provisions of those Acts shall control.

(Pub. L. 106–530, § 7, Nov. 22, 2000, 114 Stat. 2530.)