§ 3954. National coastal wetlands conservation grants

16 U.S.C. § 3954 (N/A)
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The Director shall, with the funds made available in accordance with section 3955 of this title, make matching grants to any coastal State to carry out coastal wetlands conservation projects from funds made available for that purpose.

Subject to the cost-sharing requirements of this section, the Director may grant or otherwise provide any matching moneys to any coastal State which submits a proposal substantial in character and design to carry out a coastal wetlands conservation project. In awarding such matching grants, the Director shall give priority to coastal wetlands conservation projects that are—

(1) consistent with the National Wetlands Priority Conservation Plan developed under section 3921 of this title; and

(2) in coastal States that have established dedicated funding for programs to acquire coastal wetlands, natural areas and open spaces. In addition, priority consideration shall be given to coastal wetlands conservation projects in maritime forests on coastal barrier islands.

The Director may only grant or otherwise provide matching moneys to a coastal State for purposes of carrying out a coastal wetlands conservation project if the grant or provision is subject to terms and conditions that will ensure that any real property interest acquired in whole or in part, or enhanced, managed, or restored with such moneys will be administered for the long-term conservation of such lands and waters and the fish and wildlife dependent thereon.

Grants to coastal States of matching moneys by the Director for any fiscal year to carry out coastal wetlands conservation projects shall be used for the payment of not to exceed 50 percent of the total costs of such projects: except that such matching moneys may be used for payment of not to exceed 75 percent of the costs of such projects if a coastal State has established and is using one of the following for the purpose of acquiring coastal wetlands, other natural areas or open spaces:

Grants to coastal States of matching moneys by the Director for any fiscal year to carry out coastal wetlands conservation projects shall be used for the payment of not to exceed 50 percent of the total costs of such projects: except that such matching moneys may be used for payment of not to exceed 75 percent of the costs of such projects if a coastal State has established and is using one of the following for the purpose of acquiring coastal wetlands, other natural areas or open spaces:

(A) a trust fund from which the principal is not spent; or

(B) a fund derived from a dedicated recurring source of monies including, but not limited to, real estate transfer fees or taxes, cigarette taxes, tax check-offs, or motor vehicle license plate fees.

(2) Form of State share The matching moneys required of a coastal State to carry out a coastal wetlands conservation project shall be derived from a non-Federal source.

(3) In-kind contributions In addition to cash outlays and payments, in-kind contributions of property or personnel services by non-Federal interests for activities under this section may be used for the non-Federal share of the cost of those activities.

The Director may from time to time make matching payments to carry out coastal wetlands conservation projects as such projects progress, but such payments, including previous payments, if any, shall not be more than the Federal pro rata share of any such project in conformity with subsection (d) of this section.

(1) The Director may from time to time make matching payments to carry out coastal wetlands conservation projects as such projects progress, but such payments, including previous payments, if any, shall not be more than the Federal pro rata share of any such project in conformity with subsection (d) of this section.

(2) The Director may enter into agreements to make matching payments on an initial portion of a coastal wetlands conservation project and to agree to make payments on the remaining Federal share of the costs of such project from subsequent moneys if and when they become available. The liability of the United States under such an agreement is contingent upon the continued availability of funds for the purpose of this section.

The Director shall, with the funds made available in accordance with section 3955 of this title, direct the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Wetland Inventory to update and digitize wetlands maps in the State of Texas and to conduct an assessment of the status, condition, and trends of wetlands in that State.

(Pub. L. 101–646, title III, § 305, Nov. 29, 1990, 104 Stat. 4785; Pub. L. 102–212, title III, § 302(a), Dec. 11, 1991, 105 Stat. 1660.)