The commission has the power, duty and responsibility:
(a) To conduct a comprehensive and detailed investigation into the collapse of the cooling tower at Willow Island, to evaluate the facts and circumstances surrounding such collapse and, if possible, to determine the cause or causes of such collapse;
(b) To analyze and evaluate the findings and reports of the occupational health and safety administration with respect to the collapse of the cooling tower at Willow Island and to report to the Governor and the Legislature with respect thereto;
(c) To administer oaths, to examine witnesses, to compel the attendance of witnesses to appear before the commission and to compel the production of such books, records, documents or other papers or tangible things as the commission may require to conduct its investigation, and to this end the commission is hereby given authority to issue subpoenas or subpoenas duces tecum. Any subpoena or subpoena duces tecum issued on behalf of the commission shall be over the signature of the chairman. If any person subpoenaed to appear before the commission or before any committee or subcommittee thereof refuses to appear or to answer inquiries propounded to such person, or fails or refuses to produce any book, record, document or other paper or tangible thing within his control when the same are demanded, the commission or its chairman shall report the fact of such failure or refusal to the circuit court of Kanawha County or any other court of competent jurisdiction and such court shall compel obedience to the subpoena or subpoena duces tecum as though the subpoena or subpoena duces tecum had been issued by such court in the first instance;
(d) To employ such legal, technical, investigative, clerical, stenographic, advisory and other personnel as it deems necessary and needful and to fix the reasonable compensation of such persons as may be so employed;
(e) To perform every other act necessary or desirable to carry out any of the other powers, duties or responsibilities enumerated in this section.