RCW 90.71.330 Funding from partnership—Accountability.
(1) Any funding made available directly to the partnership from the Puget Sound recovery account created in RCW 90.71.400 and used by the partnership for loans, grants, or funding transfers to other entities shall be prioritized according to the action agenda developed pursuant to RCW 90.71.310.
(2) The partnership shall condition, with interagency agreements, any grants or funding transfers to other entities from the Puget Sound recovery account to ensure accountability in the expenditure of the funds and to ensure that the funds are used by the recipient entity in the manner determined by the partnership to be the most consistent with the priorities of the action agenda. Any conditions placed on federal funding under this section shall incorporate and be consistent with requirements under signed agreements between the entity and the federal government.
(3) If the partnership finds that the provided funding was not used as instructed in the interagency agreement, the partnership may suspend or further condition future funding to the recipient entity.
(4) The partnership shall require any entity that receives funds for implementing the action agenda to publicly disclose and account for expenditure of those funds.
[ 2007 c 341 § 15.]