RCW 90.64.800 Reports to the legislature.
The department, in conjunction with the conservation commission and *advisory and oversight committee, shall report to the legislature by December 1st of each year until 2003, on progress made in implementing chapter 262, Laws of 1998. At a minimum, the reports shall include data on inspections, the status of dairy nutrient planning, compliance with water quality standards, and enforcement actions. The report shall also provide recommendations on how implementation of chapter 262, Laws of 1998 could be facilitated for dairy producers and generally improved.
The conservation commission shall include in the report to the legislature filed December 1, 1999, an evaluation of whether the fiscal resources available to the commission, to conservation districts, and to Washington State University dairy nutrient management experts are adequate to fund the technical assistance teams established under **RCW 90.64.140 and to develop and certify plans as required by the schedule established in RCW 90.64.026. If the funding is insufficient, the report shall include an estimate of the amount of funding necessary to accomplish the schedule contained in RCW 90.64.026.
[ 1998 c 262 § 17.]
Reviser's note: *(1) The dairy nutrient management program advisory and oversight committee was created in section 8, chapter 262, Laws of 1998, which was vetoed.
**(2) RCW 90.64.140 was repealed by 2009 c 143 § 3.