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U.S. State Codes
Title 85 - Diking and Drainage
Chapter 85.28 - Private Ditches and Drains.
Chapter 85.28 - Private Ditches and Drains.
85.28.010 Private parties authorized to establish ditches and drains.
85.28.020 Petition to appropriate—Contents.
85.28.030 Cost bond by petitioner.
85.28.040 Viewers to be appointed—Duties.
85.28.050 Report of viewers and plat to be filed.
85.28.060 Summons to landowners—Contents and form.
85.28.080 Service by publication.
85.28.090 Trial—Findings or verdict—Decree—Time for payment of award.
85.28.100 Appeal.
85.28.110 Compensation of viewers—Costs.
85.28.120 New viewers may be appointed if report not adopted.
85.28.130 Drainage of tide or marsh lands—Division of cost between contiguous tracts.
85.28.140 Dike or ditch as common boundary—Division of costs.
85.28.150 Dike, dam, or causeway at Bachelor Slough.