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U.S. State Codes
Title 78 - Mines, Minerals,...
Chapter 78.56 - Metals Mining and Milling Opera...
Chapter 78.56 - Metals Mining and Milling Operations.
78.56.010 Intent.
78.56.020 Definitions.
78.56.030 Operations subject to this chapter and other requirements.
78.56.040 Disclosures required with state environmental policy act checklist—Public inspection of information.
78.56.050 Environmental impact statement required—Mitigation measures to be part of permit requirements—Department of ecology to cooperate with affected local governments.
78.56.060 Metals mining coordinator to be appointed—Duties.
78.56.070 Quarterly inspections by responsible state agencies required—Cross-training and coordination of inspections encouraged.
78.56.080 Estimate of costs by department of ecology and department of natural resources—Fee on operations to be established by department of ecology.
78.56.090 Initial waste discharge permits for tailings facilities—Siting criteria—Primary screening process—Technical site investigation—Site selection report.
78.56.100 Waste discharge permits for metals mining and milling operations tailing facilities—Pollution control standards—Waste rock management plan—Citizen observation and verification of water samples—Voluntary reduction plan—Application of this section.
78.56.110 Performance security required—Conditions—Department of ecology authority to adopt requirements—Liability under performance security.
78.56.120 Remediation or mitigation by department of ecology—Order to submit performance security.
78.56.130 Legislative finding—Impact analysis required for large-scale operations—Impact fees by county legislative authority—Application of this section—Application of chapter 82.02 RCW.
78.56.140 Citizen action suits.
78.56.150 Application of requirements to milling facilities not adjacent to mining operation.
78.56.160 Moratorium on use of heap leach extraction process—Joint review by department of ecology and department of natural resources—Permanent prohibition of in situ extraction.
78.56.901 Effective date—1994 c 232 §§ 1-5, 9-17, and 23-29.
78.56.902 Effective date—1994 c 232 §§ 6-8 and 18-22.