RCW 74.08A.500 Legislative-executive WorkFirst poverty reduction oversight task force—Definitions.
The definitions in this section apply throughout chapter 126, Laws of 2018 unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Advisory committee" means the intergenerational poverty advisory committee.
(2) "Cycle of poverty" or "poverty cycle" means the set of factors or events by which the long-term poverty of a person is likely to continue and be experienced by each child of the person when the child becomes an adult unless there is outside intervention.
(3) "Department" means the department of social and health services.
(4) "Intergenerational poverty" means poverty in which two or more successive generations of a family continue in the cycle of poverty and governmental dependence, and is not situational poverty.
(5) "Partner agency" means an executive branch agency represented by a voting or nonvoting member of the task force.
(6) "Secretary" means the secretary of the department of social and health services.
(7) "Task force" means the legislative-executive WorkFirst poverty reduction oversight task force.
[ 2018 c 126 § 2.]
Findings—Intent—2018 c 126: See note following RCW 74.08A.505.