RCW 72.42.060 Travel expenses.
Each member of the board of trustees shall receive travel expenses as provided in RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060 as now existing or hereafter amended, and such payments shall be a proper charge to any funds appropriated or allocated for the support of the Washington center for deaf and hard of hearing youth.
[ 2019 c 266 § 31; 2009 c 381 § 22; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 34 § 168; 1972 ex.s. c 96 § 6.]
Findings—Intent—2009 c 381: See note following RCW 72.40.015.
Effective date—Severability—1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 34: See notes following RCW 2.08.115.