RCW 71.09.055 Expert evaluations of indigent persons—Costs.
(1) The office of public defense is responsible for the cost of one expert or professional person conducting an evaluation on an indigent person's behalf as provided in RCW 71.09.050, 71.09.070, or 71.09.090.
(2) Expert evaluations are capped at ten thousand dollars, to include all professional fees, travel, per diem, and other costs. Partial evaluations are capped at five thousand five hundred dollars and expert services apart from an evaluation, exclusive of testimony at trial or depositions, are capped at six thousand dollars.
(3) The office of public defense will pay for the costs related to the evaluation of an indigent person by an additional examiner or in excess of the stated fee caps only upon a finding by the superior court that such appointment or extraordinary fees are for good cause.
[ 2012 c 257 § 9.]
Effective date—2012 c 257: See note following RCW 2.70.020.