RCW 70.95.715 Sharps waste—Drop-off sites—Pharmacy return program.
(1) A solid waste planning jurisdiction may designate sharps waste container drop-off sites.
(2) A pharmacy return program shall not be considered a solid waste handling facility and shall not be required to obtain a solid waste permit. A pharmacy return program is required to register, at no cost, with the department. To facilitate designation of sharps waste drop-off sites, the department shall share the name and location of registered pharmacy return programs with jurisdictional health departments and local solid waste management officials.
(3) A public or private provider of solid waste collection service may provide a program to collect source separated residential sharps waste containers as provided in chapter 70.95K RCW.
(4) For the purpose of this section, "sharps waste," "sharps waste container," and "pharmacy return program" shall have the same meanings as provided in RCW 70.95K.010.
[ 1994 c 165 § 5.]
Findings—Purposes—Intent—1994 c 165: See note following RCW 70.95K.010.