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U.S. State Codes
Title 70 - Public Health an...
Chapter 70.76 - Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers—...
Chapter 70.76 - Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers—Flame Retardants.
70.76.005 Findings.
70.76.010 Definitions.
70.76.020 Manufacture, sale, or distribution of noncomestible products containing PBDEs—Exemptions.
70.76.030 Manufacture, sale, or distribution of products containing commercial deca-bde—Departments review of commercial deca-bde alternatives—Effective date of prohibitions.
70.76.040 Fire safety committee.
70.76.050 Departments review of commercial deca-bde alternatives and effects of PBDEs in waste stream—Publication.
70.76.060 Exclusions from chapter—Transportation and storage.
70.76.070 Notification to sellers.
70.76.080 Assistance to state agencies.
70.76.090 Retailers—Liability—Existing stock.
70.76.100 Enforcement—Achieving compliance with chapter—Enforcement sequence—Recall—Penalties.
70.76.110 Rules.