RCW 70.340.090 Report on agency activities. (Expires July 1, 2030.)
By September 1st of each even-numbered year, the agency must provide the office of financial management and the appropriate legislative committees a report on the agency's activities supported by expenditures from the pollution liability insurance agency underground storage tank revolving account. The report must at a minimum include:
(1) The amount of money the legislature appropriated from the pollution liability insurance agency underground storage tank revolving account under RCW 70.340.080 during the last biennium;
(2) For the previous biennium, the total number of loans and grants, the amounts loaned or granted, sites cleaned up, petroleum underground storage tank systems upgraded, replaced, or permanently closed, and jobs preserved;
(3) For each loan and grant awarded during the previous biennium, the name of the recipient, the location of the underground storage tank facility, a description of the project and its status, the amount loaned, and the amount repaid;
(4) For each underground storage tank facility where the agency conducted remedial actions under RCW 70.340.060 during the previous biennium, the name and location of the site, the amount of money used to conduct the remedial actions, the status of remedial actions, whether liens were filed against the underground storage tank facility under RCW 70.340.070, and the amount of money recovered; and
(5) The operating costs of the agency and department of health to carry out the purposes of this chapter during the last biennium.
[ 2016 c 161 § 9.]
Effective date—2016 c 161 §§ 1-13: See note following RCW 70.340.010.