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U.S. State Codes
Title 70 - Public Health an...
Chapter 70.24 - Control and Treatment of Sexual...
Chapter 70.24 - Control and Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
70.24.005 Transfer of duties to the department of health.
70.24.015 Legislative finding.
70.24.017 Definitions.
70.24.022 Interviews, examination, counseling, or treatment of infected persons or persons believed to be infected—Dissemination of false information—Penalty.
70.24.024 Orders for examinations and counseling—Restrictive measures—Investigation—Issuance of order—Confidential notice and hearing—Exception.
70.24.034 Detention—Grounds—Order—Hearing.
70.24.050 Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases—Confirmation—Anonymous prevalence reports.
70.24.070 Detention and treatment facilities.
70.24.080 Penalty.
70.24.084 Violations of chapter—Aggrieved persons—Right of action.
70.24.090 Pregnant women—Test for syphilis.
70.24.095 Pregnant women—Drug treatment program participants—AIDS counseling.
70.24.100 Syphilis laboratory tests.
70.24.107 Rule-making authority—1997 c 345.
70.24.110 Minors—Treatment, consent, liability for payment for care.
70.24.120 Sexually transmitted disease case investigators—Authority to withdraw blood.
70.24.125 Reporting requirements for sexually transmitted diseases—Rules.
70.24.130 Adoption of rules.
70.24.140 Certain infected persons—Sexual intercourse unlawful without notification.
70.24.150 Immunity of certain public employees.
70.24.200 Information for the general public on sexually transmitted diseases—Emphasis.
70.24.210 Information for children on sexually transmitted diseases—Emphasis.
70.24.220 AIDS education in public schools—Finding.
70.24.240 Clearinghouse for AIDS educational materials.
70.24.250 Office on AIDS—Repository and clearinghouse for AIDS education and training material—University of Washington duties.
70.24.260 Emergency medical personnel—Rules for AIDS education and training.
70.24.270 Health professionals—Rules for AIDS education and training.
70.24.280 Pharmacy quality assurance commission—Rules for AIDS education and training.
70.24.290 Public school employees—Rules for AIDS education and training.
70.24.300 State and local government employees—Determination of substantial likelihood of exposure—Rules for AIDS education and training.
70.24.310 Health care facility employees—Rules for AIDS education and training.
70.24.320 Counseling and testing—AIDS and HIV—Definitions.
70.24.325 Counseling and testing—Insurance requirements.
70.24.340 Convicted persons—Mandatory testing and counseling for certain offenses—Employees' substantial exposure to bodily fluids—Procedure and court orders.
70.24.350 Prostitution and drug offenses—Voluntary testing and counseling.
70.24.360 Jail detainees—Testing and counseling of persons who present a possible risk.
70.24.370 Correction facility inmates—Counseling and testing of persons who present a possible risk—Training for administrators and superintendents—Procedure.
70.24.380 Board of health—Rules for counseling and testing.
70.24.400 Funding for office on AIDS—Center for AIDS education—Department's duties for awarding grants.
70.24.410 AIDS advisory committee—Duties, review of insurance problems—Termination.
70.24.420 Additional local funding of treatment programs not required.
70.24.430 Application of chapter to persons subject to jurisdiction of department of corrections.
70.24.450 Confidentiality—Reports—Unauthorized disclosures.
70.24.901 Construction—Chapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships—2009 c 521.