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U.S. State Codes
Title 70 - Public Health an...
Chapter 70.160 - Smoking in Public Places.
Chapter 70.160 - Smoking in Public Places.
70.160.011 Findings—Intent—2006 c 2 (Initiative Measure No. 901).
70.160.020 Definitions.
70.160.030 Smoking prohibited in public places or places of employment.
70.160.050 Owners, lessees to post signs prohibiting smoking.
70.160.060 Intent of chapter as applied to certain private workplaces.
70.160.070 Intentional violation of chapter—Removing, defacing, or destroying required sign—Fine—Notice of infraction—Exceptions—Violations of RCW 70.160.050—Fine—Enforcement.
70.160.075 Smoking prohibited within twenty-five feet of public places or places of employment—Application to modify presumptively reasonable minimum distance.
70.160.080 Local regulations authorized.
70.160.100 Penalty assessed under this chapter paid to jurisdiction bringing action.