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U.S. State Codes
Title 69 - Food, Drugs, Cos...
Chapter 69.07 - Washington Food Processing Act.
Chapter 69.07 - Washington Food Processing Act.
69.07.005 Legislative declaration.
69.07.010 Definitions.
69.07.020 Enforcement—Rules—Adoption—Contents—Standards.
69.07.040 Food processing license—Waiver if licensed under chapter 15.36 RCW—Expiration date—Application, contents—Fee.
69.07.050 Renewal of license—Additional fee, when.
69.07.060 Denial, suspension, or revocation of license—Grounds.
69.07.065 Suspension of license summarily—Reinstatement.
69.07.070 Rules and regulations, hearings subject to Administrative Procedure Act.
69.07.080 Inspections by department—Access—When.
69.07.085 Sanitary certificates—Fee.
69.07.095 Authority of director and personnel.
69.07.100 Establishments exempted from provisions of chapter.
69.07.103 Poultry—Slaughter, preparation, sale—One thousand or fewer—Special permit—Rules—Fee.
69.07.110 Enforcement of chapter.
69.07.120 Disposition of money into food processing inspection account.
69.07.135 Unlawful to sell or distribute food from unlicensed processor.
69.07.140 Violations—Warning notice.
69.07.150 Violations—Penalties.
69.07.160 Authority of director and department under the food safety and security act not impaired by this chapter.
69.07.170 Definitions.
69.07.180 Bottled water labeling standards.
69.07.190 Bottled soft drinks, soda, or seltzer exempt from bottled water labeling requirements.
69.07.200 Marijuana-infused edible processing.
69.07.210 Marijuana-infused edible processing—Implementation.
69.07.900 Chapter is cumulative and nonexclusive.
69.07.920 Short title.