RCW 66.44.340 Employees eighteen years and over allowed to sell and handle beer and wine for certain licensed employers.
(1) Employers holding grocery store or beer and/or wine specialty shop licenses exclusively are permitted to allow their employees, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one years, to sell, stock, and handle liquor in, on or about any establishment holding a license to sell such liquor, if:
(a) There is an adult twenty-one years of age or older on duty supervising the sale of liquor at the licensed premises; and
(b) In the case of spirits, there are at least two adults twenty-one years of age or older on duty supervising the sale of spirits at the licensed premises.
(2) *Employees under twenty-one years of age may make deliveries of beer and/or wine purchased from licensees holding grocery store or beer and/or wine specialty shop licenses exclusively, when delivery is made to cars of customers adjacent to such licensed premises but only, however, when the underage employee is accompanied by the purchaser.
[2012 c 2 § 211 (Initiative Measure No. 1183, approved November 8, 2011); 1999 c 281 § 11; 1986 c 5 § 1; 1981 1st ex.s. c 5 § 48; 1969 ex.s. c 38 § 1.]
*Reviser's note: Initiative Measure No. 1183 removed the word "minor" and inserted the phrase "Employees under twenty-one years of age" without enclosing "minor" in double parentheses with strike-through and without underlining "Employees under twenty-one years of age."
Finding—Application—Rules—Effective date—Contingent effective date—2012 c 2 (Initiative Measure No. 1183): See notes following RCW 66.24.620.
Effective date—1981 1st ex.s. c 5: See RCW 66.98.100.