RCW 66.24.145 Craft distillery—Sales and samples of spirits.
(1)(a) Any craft distillery may sell spirits of its own production for consumption off the premises.
(b) A craft distillery selling spirits under this subsection must comply with the applicable laws and rules relating to retailers.
(2) Any craft distillery may contract distilled spirits for, and sell contract distilled spirits to, holders of distillers' or manufacturers' licenses, including licenses issued under RCW 66.24.520, or for export.
(3) Any craft distillery licensed under this section may provide, free or for a charge, one-half ounce or less samples of spirits of its own production to persons on the premises of the distillery. The maximum total per person per day is two ounces. Every person who participates in any manner in the service of samples must obtain a class 12 alcohol server permit. Spirits samples may be adulterated with nonalcoholic mixers, water, and/or ice.
(4)(a) A distillery or craft distillery licensee may apply to the board for an endorsement to sell spirits of its own production at retail for off-premises consumption at a qualifying farmers market. The annual fee for this endorsement is seventy-five dollars.
(b) For each month during which a distillery or craft distillery will sell spirits at a qualifying farmers market, the distillery or craft distillery must provide the board or its designee a list of the dates, times, and locations at which bottled spirits may be offered for sale. This list must be received by the board before the spirits may be offered for sale at a qualifying farmers market.
(c) Each approved location in a qualifying farmers market is deemed to be part of the distillery or craft distillery license for the purpose of this title. The approved locations under an endorsement granted under this subsection do not include tasting or sampling privileges. The distillery or craft distillery may not store spirits at a farmers market beyond the hours that the bottled spirits are offered for sale. The distillery or craft distillery may not act as a distributor from a farmers market location.
(d) Before a distillery or craft distillery may sell bottled spirits at a qualifying farmers market, the farmers market must apply to the board for authorization for any distillery or craft distillery with an endorsement approved under this subsection to sell bottled spirits at retail at the farmers market. This application must include, at a minimum: (i) A map of the farmers market showing all booths, stalls, or other designated locations at which an approved distillery or craft distillery may sell bottled spirits; and (ii) the name and contact information for the on-site market managers who may be contacted by the board or its designee to verify the locations at which bottled spirits may be sold. Before authorizing a qualifying farmers market to allow an approved distillery or craft distillery to sell bottled spirits at retail at its farmers market location, the board must notify the persons or entities of such application for authorization pursuant to RCW 66.24.010 (8) and (9). An authorization granted under this subsection (4)(d) may be withdrawn by the board for any violation of this title or any rules adopted under this title.
(e) For the purposes of this subsection (4), "qualifying farmers market" has the same meaning as defined in RCW 66.24.170.
(5) The board must adopt rules to implement the alcohol server permit requirement and may adopt additional rules to implement this section.
(6) Distilling is an agricultural practice.
[ 2015 c 194 § 2; 2014 c 92 § 1; 2013 c 98 § 1; 2012 c 2 § 205 (Initiative Measure No. 1183, approved November 8, 2011); 2010 c 290 § 2; 2008 c 94 § 2.]
Finding—Application—Rules—Effective date—Contingent effective date—2012 c 2 (Initiative Measure No. 1183): See notes following RCW 66.24.620.