RCW 65.12.430 Registration of mortgages.
A trust deed shall be deemed to be a mortgage, and be subject to the same rules as a mortgage, excepting as to the manner of the foreclosure thereof. The registration of a mortgage shall be made in the following manner, to wit: The owner's duplicate certificate shall be presented to the registrar of titles with the mortgage deed or instrument to be registered, and the registrar shall enter upon the original certificate of title and also upon the owner's duplicate certificate, a memorial of the purport of the instrument registered, the time of filing, and the file number of the registered instrument. He or she shall also note upon the instrument registered, the time of filing, and a reference to the volume and page of the register of titles, wherein the same is registered. The registrar of titles shall also, at the request of the mortgagee, make out and deliver to him or her a duplicate certificate of title, like the owner's duplicate, except that the words, "Mortgagee's duplicate", shall be written or printed upon such certificate in large letters, diagonally across the face. A memorandum of the issuance of the mortgagee's duplicate shall be made upon the certificate of title.
[ 2012 c 117 § 239; 1907 c 250 § 56; RRS § 10685.]