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U.S. State Codes
Title 61 - Mortgages, Deeds...
Chapter 61.12 - Foreclosure of Real Estate Mort...
Chapter 61.12 - Foreclosure of Real Estate Mortgages and Personal Property Liens.
61.12.010 Encumbrances shall be by deed.
61.12.020 Mortgage—Form—Contents—Effect.
61.12.030 Removal of property from mortgaged premises—Penalty.
61.12.040 Foreclosure—Venue.
61.12.050 When remedy confined to mortgaged property.
61.12.060 Judgment—Order of sale—Satisfaction—Upset price.
61.12.061 Exception as to mortgages held by the United States.
61.12.070 Decree to direct deficiency—Waiver in complaint.
61.12.080 Deficiency judgment—How enforced.
61.12.090 Execution on decree—Procedure.
61.12.093 Abandoned improved real estate—Purchaser takes free of redemption rights.
61.12.094 Abandoned improved real estate—Deficiency judgment precluded—Complaint, requisites, service.
61.12.095 Abandoned improved real estate—Not applicable to property used primarily for agricultural purposes.
61.12.100 Levy for deficiency under same execution.
61.12.110 Notice of sale on deficiency.
61.12.120 Concurrent actions prohibited.
61.12.130 Payment of sums due—Stay of proceedings.
61.12.140 Sale in parcels to pay installments due.
61.12.150 Sale of whole property—Disposition of proceeds.
61.12.170 Recording.
61.12.180 Foreclosure of reverse residential mortgage—Notice.