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U.S. State Codes
Title 57 - Water-Sewer Dist...
Chapter 57.32 - Consolidation of Districts—Tran...
Chapter 57.32 - Consolidation of Districts—Transfer of Part of District.
57.32.001 Actions subject to review by boundary review board.
57.32.010 Consolidation authorized—Petition method—Resolution method.
57.32.020 Certificate of sufficiency.
57.32.021 Procedure upon receipt of certificate of sufficiency—Agreement, contents—Comprehensive plan.
57.32.022 Certification of agreement—Election, notice and conduct.
57.32.023 When consolidation effective—Cessation of former districts—Rights and powers of consolidated district.
57.32.024 Vesting of funds and property in consolidated district—Outstanding indebtedness.
57.32.130 Commissioners—Number.
57.32.160 Transfer of part of district—Procedure.