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U.S. State Codes
Title 52 - Fire Protection ...
Chapter 52.14 - Commissioners.
Chapter 52.14 - Commissioners.
52.14.010 Number—Qualifications—Insurance—Compensation and expenses—Service as volunteer firefighter.
52.14.013 Commissioner districts—Creation—Boundaries.
52.14.015 Increase in the number of commissioners—Election.
52.14.017 Decrease in the number of commissioners—Election—Disposition of commissioner districts.
52.14.020 Number of commissioners in district—Terms of first appointees.
52.14.030 Polling places.
52.14.050 Vacancies.
52.14.060 Commissioner's terms.
52.14.065 Voluntary change to electoral system.
52.14.070 Oath of office.
52.14.080 Chair—Secretary—Duties and oath.
52.14.090 Office—Meetings.
52.14.100 Meetings—Powers and duties of board.
52.14.110 Purchases and public works—Competitive bids required—Exceptions.
52.14.120 Purchases and public works—Competitive bidding procedures.
52.14.130 Low bidder claiming error—Prohibition on later bid for same project.
52.14.140 Governance authority of fire protection district.