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U.S. State Codes
Title 51 - Industrial Insur...
Chapter 51.44 - Funds.
Chapter 51.44 - Funds.
51.44.010 Accident fund.
51.44.020 Medical aid fund.
51.44.023 Industrial insurance rainy day fund—Administration—Advisory committee.
51.44.030 Reserve fund.
51.44.033 Supplemental pension fund.
51.44.040 Second injury fund.
51.44.050 Catastrophe injury account.
51.44.060 Charge to accident fund for the catastrophe injury account.
51.44.070 Transfer from accident fund and/or appropriate accounts to reserve fund—Annuity values.
51.44.073 Transfer from self-insurer into the reserve fund—Annuity values—Alternative—Penalty for delay or refusal to reimburse.
51.44.080 Reserve fund—Transfers from state fund—Surplus—Deficiency.
51.44.090 Reserve fund record and maintenance by state treasurer.
51.44.100 Investment of accident, medical aid, reserve, industrial insurance rainy day, supplemental pension funds.
51.44.110 Disbursements of funds.
51.44.115 Financial statements and information—Annual audit and report.
51.44.120 Liability of state treasurer.
51.44.140 Self-insurer deposits into reserve fund—Accounts within fund—Surpluses and deficits.
51.44.142 Self-insured employer overpayment reimbursement fund.
51.44.145 Self-insured insurer program—Administrative costs.
51.44.150 Assessments upon self-insurers for administration costs.
51.44.160 Interfund loans between reserve and supplemental pension funds—Audit.
51.44.170 Industrial insurance premium refund account.
51.44.180 Stay-at-work program—Administrative expenses—Advisory committee.
51.44.190 Construction registration inspection account—Fee levels—Transfers.