RCW 50.22.105 Supplemental additional benefits—February 26, 1994, through December 31, 1995—Eligibility.
Supplemental additional benefits shall be available to individuals who, under this chapter, had a balance of extended benefits available after payments up to and including the week ending February 26, 1994.
(1) Total supplemental additional benefits payable shall be equal to the extended benefit balance remaining after extended benefit payments for up to and including the week ending February 26, 1994, and shall be paid at the same weekly benefit amount.
(2) The week ending March 5, 1994, is the first week for which supplemental additional benefits are payable.
(3) Supplemental additional benefits shall be paid under the same terms and conditions as extended benefits.
(4) Supplemental additional benefits are not payable for weeks more than one year beyond the end of the benefit year of the regular claim.
(5) Weeks of supplemental additional benefits may not be paid for weeks that begin after the start of a new extended benefit period, or any totally federally funded benefit program with eligibility criteria and benefits comparable to additional benefits.
(6) Weeks of supplemental additional benefits may not be paid for weeks of unemployment beginning after December 31, 1995.
(7) The department shall seek federal funding to reimburse the state for the supplemental additional benefits paid under this section. Any federal funds received by the state for reimbursement shall be deposited in the unemployment trust fund solely for the payment of benefits under this title.
[ 1994 c 3 § 3.]
Conflict with federal requirements—Severability—Effective dates—1994 c 3: See notes following RCW 50.04.020.