RCW 50.20.011 Profiling system to identify individuals likely to exhaust benefits—Confidentiality of information—Penalty.
(1) The commissioner shall establish and use a profiling system for new claimants for regular compensation under this title that identifies permanently separated workers who are likely to exhaust regular compensation and will need job search assistance services to make a successful transition to new employment. The profiling system shall use a combination of individual characteristics and labor market information to assign each individual a unique probability of benefit exhaustion. Individuals identified as likely to exhaust benefits shall be referred to reemployment services, such as job search assistance services, to the extent such services are available at public expense.
(2) The profiling system shall include collection and review of follow-up information relating to the services received by individuals under this section and the employment outcomes for the individuals following receipt of the services. The information shall be used in making profiling identifications.
(3) In carrying out reviews of individuals receiving services, the department may contract with public or private entities and may disclose information or records necessary to permit contracting entities to assist in the operation and management of department functions. Any information or records disclosed to public or private entities shall be used solely for the purposes for which the information was disclosed and the entity shall be bound by the same rules of privacy and confidentiality as department employees. The misuse or unauthorized disclosure of information or records deemed private and confidential under chapter 50.13 RCW by any person or organization to which access is permitted by this section shall subject the person or organization to a civil penalty of five thousand dollars and other applicable sanctions under state and federal law. Suit to enforce this section shall be brought by the attorney general and the amount of any penalties collected shall be paid into the employment security department administrative contingency fund. The attorney general may recover reasonable attorneys' fees for any action brought to enforce this section.
[ 1995 c 381 § 2.]
Conflict with federal requirements—Effective date—1995 c 381: See notes following RCW 50.20.010.