RCW 49.78.230 Leave taken intermittently or on reduced leave schedule. (Effective until December 31, 2019.)
(1)(a) When leave is taken after the birth or placement of a child for adoption or foster care, an employee may take leave intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule with the employer's agreement. The employer's agreement is not required, however, for leave during which the employee has a serious health condition in connection with the birth of a child or if the newborn child has a serious health condition.
(b) Leave may be taken intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule when medically necessary for medical treatment of a serious health condition by or under the supervision of a health care provider, or for recovery from treatment or recovery from a serious health condition. It may also be taken to provide care or psychological comfort to an immediate family member with a serious health condition.
(i) Intermittent leave may be taken for a serious health condition that requires treatment by a health care provider periodically, rather than for one continuous period of time, and may include leave of periods from an hour or more to several weeks.
(ii) Intermittent or reduced schedule leave may be taken for absences where the employee or family member is incapacitated or unable to perform the essential functions of the position because of a chronic serious health condition even if he or she does not receive treatment by a health care provider.
(c) There is no limit on the size of an increment of leave when an employee takes intermittent leave or leave on a reduced leave schedule. However, an employer may limit leave increments to the shortest period of time that the employer's payroll system uses to account for absences or use of leave, provided it is one hour or less.
(d) The taking of leave intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule under this section may not result in a reduction in the total amount of leave to which the employee is entitled under RCW 49.78.220 beyond the amount of leave actually taken.
(2) If an employee requests intermittent leave, or leave on a reduced leave schedule, for a family member's serious health condition or the employee's serious health condition when the condition is foreseeable based on planned medical treatment, the employer may require such employee to transfer temporarily to an available alternative position offered by the employer for which the employee is qualified and that:
(a) Has equivalent pay and benefits; and
(b) Better accommodates recurring periods of leave than the regular employment position of the employee.
[ 2006 c 59 § 4.]