RCW 47.68.400 Airport capacity and facilities market analysis.
(1) After submitting the assessment under RCW 47.68.390, the aviation division of the department of transportation shall conduct a statewide airport capacity and facilities market analysis. The analysis must include a statewide needs analysis of airport facilities, passenger and air cargo transportation capacity, and demand and forecast market needs over the next twenty-five years with a more detailed analysis of the Puget Sound, southwest Washington, Spokane, and Tri-Cities regions. The analysis must address the forecasted needs of both commercial aviation and general aviation; however, the primary focus of the analysis must be on commercial aviation. The analysis must at a minimum address the following issues:
(a) A forecast of future airport facility needs based on passenger and air cargo operations and demand, airline planning, and a determination of aviation trends, demographic, geographic, and market factors that may affect future air travel demand;
(b) A determination of when the state's existing commercial service airports will reach their capacity;
(c) The factors that may affect future air travel and when capacity may be reached and in which location;
(d) The role of the state, metropolitan planning organizations, regional transportation planning organizations, the federal aviation administration, and airport sponsors in addressing statewide airport facilities and capacity needs; and
(e) Whether the state, metropolitan planning organizations, regional transportation planning organizations, the federal aviation administration, or airport sponsors have identified options for addressing long-range capacity needs at airports, or in regions, that will reach capacity before the year 2030.
(2) The department shall consider existing information, technical analyses, and other research the department deems appropriate. The department may contract and consult with private independent professional and technical experts regarding the analysis.
(3) The department shall submit the analysis to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature, the governor, the transportation commission, and regional transportation planning organizations by July 1, 2007.
[ 2005 c 316 § 2.]