RCW 46.79.070 Acts subject to penalties.
The director may by order pursuant to the provisions of chapter 34.05 RCW, deny, suspend, or revoke the license of any hulk hauler or scrap processor or, in lieu thereof or in addition thereto, may by order assess monetary penalties of a civil nature not to exceed five hundred dollars per violation, whenever the director finds that the applicant or licensee:
(1) Removed a vehicle or vehicle major component part from property without obtaining both the written permission of the property owner and documentation approved by the department for acquiring vehicles, junk vehicles, or major component parts thereof;
(2) Acquired, disposed of, or possessed a vehicle or major component part thereof when he or she knew that such vehicle or part had been stolen or appropriated without the consent of the owner;
(3) Sold, bought, received, concealed, had in his or her possession, or disposed of a vehicle or major component part thereof having a missing, defaced, altered, or covered manufacturer's identification number, unless approved by a law enforcement officer;
(4) Committed forgery or made any material misrepresentation on any document relating to the acquisition, disposition, registration, titling, or licensing of a vehicle pursuant to Title 46 RCW;
(5) Committed any dishonest act or omission which has caused loss or serious inconvenience as a result of the acquisition or disposition of a vehicle or any major component part thereof;
(6) Failed to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter or other applicable law relating to registration and certificates of title of vehicles and any other document releasing any interest in a vehicle;
(7) Been authorized to remove a particular vehicle or vehicles and failed to take all remnants and debris from those vehicles from that area unless requested not to do so by the person authorizing the removal;
(8) Removed parts from a vehicle at other than an approved location or removed or sold parts or vehicles beyond the scope authorized by this chapter or any rule adopted hereunder;
(9) Been adjudged guilty of a crime which directly relates to the business of a hulk hauler or scrap processor and the time elapsed since the adjudication is less than five years. For the purposes of this section adjudged guilty means, in addition to a final conviction in either a federal, state, or municipal court, an unvacated forfeiture of bail or collateral deposited to secure a defendant's appearance in court, the payment of a fine, a plea of guilty, or a finding of guilt regardless of whether the imposition of sentence is deferred or the penalty is suspended; or
(10) Been the holder of a license issued pursuant to this chapter which was revoked for cause and never reissued by the department, or which license was suspended for cause and the terms of the suspension have not been fulfilled, or which license was assessed a civil penalty and the assessed amount has not been paid.
[ 1990 c 250 § 71; 1983 c 142 § 5; 1971 ex.s. c 110 § 7.]