RCW 43.60A.101 Peer-to-peer support program—Report to the legislature.
By December 31, 2018, the department of veterans affairs must submit a report to the legislature on the veteran peer-to-peer training and support program authorized in RCW 43.60A.100 to determine the effectiveness of the program in meeting the needs of veterans in the state. The report must include the number of veterans receiving peer-to-peer support and the location of such support services; the number of veterans trained through the program to provide peer-to-peer support; and the types of training and support services provided by the program. The report must also include an analysis of peer-to-peer training and support programs developed by other states, as well as in the private and nonprofit sectors, in order to evaluate best practices for implementing and managing the veteran peer-to-peer training and support program authorized in RCW 43.60A.100.
[ 2017 c 192 § 5.]
Findings—2017 c 192: See notes following RCW 43.41.460 and 43.60A.100.