RCW 43.365.010 Definitions.
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Approved motion picture competitiveness program" means a nonprofit organization under the internal revenue code, section 501(c)(6), with the sole purpose of revitalizing the state's economic, cultural, and educational standing in the national and international market of motion picture production and associated creative industries and assisting and providing services for attracting the film industry and associated creative industries, by recommending and awarding financial assistance for costs associated with motion pictures in the state of Washington.
(2) "Contribution" means cash contributions.
(3) "Costs" means actual expenses of production and postproduction expended in Washington state for the production of motion pictures, including but not limited to payments made for salaries, wages, and health insurance and retirement benefits, the rental costs of machinery and equipment and the purchase of services, food, property, lodging, and permits for work conducted in Washington state.
(4) "Department" means the department of commerce.
(5) "Funding assistance" means cash expenditures from an approved motion picture competitiveness program.
(6) "Motion picture" means a recorded audiovisual production intended for distribution to the public for exhibition in public and/or private settings by means of any and all delivery systems and/or delivery platforms now or hereafter known, including without limitation, screenings in motion picture theaters, broadcasts and cablecast transmissions for viewing on televisions, computer screens, and other audiovisual receivers, viewings on screens by means of digital video disc (DVD) players, video on demand (VOD) services, and digital video recording (DVR) services, direct internet transmission, and viewing on digital computer-based systems which respond to the users' actions (interactive media).
(7) "Person" has the same meaning as provided in RCW 82.04.030.
[ 2017 3rd sp.s. c 37 § 1103; 2012 c 189 § 1. Prior: 2009 c 565 § 46; 2006 c 247 § 2.]