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U.S. State Codes
Title 43 - State Government...
Chapter 43.101 - Criminal Justice Training Comm...
Chapter 43.101 - Criminal Justice Training Commission—Education and Training Standards Boards.
43.101.010 Definitions.
43.101.020 Commission created—Purpose.
43.101.021 Policy.
43.101.030 Membership.
43.101.040 Terms of members—Vacancies.
43.101.050 Cessation of membership upon termination of office or employment.
43.101.060 Chair and vice chair—Quorum—Meetings.
43.101.070 Compensation—Reimbursement of travel expenses.
43.101.080 Commission powers and duties—Rules and regulations.
43.101.085 Additional powers and duties.
43.101.095 Peace officer certification.
43.101.105 Denial or revocation of peace officer certification.
43.101.115 Denial or revocation of peace officer certification—Readmission to academy—Reinstatement.
43.101.125 Lapsed peace officer certification—Reinstatement—Rules.
43.101.135 Termination of peace officer—Notification to commission.
43.101.145 Written complaint by law enforcement or law enforcement agency to deny or revoke peace officer certification—Immunity of complainant.
43.101.155 Denial or revocation of peace officer certification—Statement of charges—Notice—Hearing.
43.101.157 Tribal police officer certification.
43.101.170 Training and education obtained at approved existing institutions.
43.101.180 Priorities.
43.101.190 Receipt of grants, funds or gifts authorized—Administration—Utilization of federal funds.
43.101.200 Law enforcement personnel—Basic law enforcement training required—Commission to provide.
43.101.220 Training for corrections personnel.
43.101.221 Training for corrections personnel—Core training requirements.
43.101.222 Training for students enrolled at institutions of higher education.
43.101.224 Training for persons investigating child sexual abuse.
43.101.225 Training on vehicular pursuits.
43.101.226 Vehicular pursuits—Model policy.
43.101.227 Training for interaction with persons with a developmental disability or mental illness.
43.101.230 Training for Indian tribe officers and employees authorized—Conditions.
43.101.240 Community-police partnership.
43.101.250 Firearms certificate program for private detectives.
43.101.260 Firearms certificate program for security guards.
43.101.270 Sexual assault—Training for investigating and prosecuting.
43.101.272 Sexual assault—Training for persons investigating adult sexual assault.
43.101.274 Sexual assault—Training curriculum modification.
43.101.276 Sexual assault—Training curriculum requirements.
43.101.280 Ethnic and cultural diversity—Development of curriculum for understanding—Training.
43.101.290 Training regarding hate crime offenses.
43.101.300 Juvenile runaways—Policy manual.
43.101.350 Core training requirements.
43.101.360 Report to the legislature.
43.101.365 Child abuse and neglect—Development of curriculum.
43.101.370 Child abuse and neglect—Intensive training.
43.101.380 Hearings—Standard of proof—Appeals—Judicial review.
43.101.390 Immunity of commission and boards.
43.101.400 Confidentiality of records.
43.101.410 Racial profiling—Policies—Training—Complaint review process—Data collection and reporting.
43.101.415 Racial profiling—Reports to the legislature.
43.101.419 Motorcycle profiling.
43.101.420 Personal crisis recognition and crisis intervention services—Training.
43.101.425 Communications to crisis referral services—Confidentiality of communications and records.
43.101.427 Crisis intervention training—Rules.
43.101.430 Criminal justice training commission firing range maintenance account.
43.101.435 Washington internet crimes against children account.
43.101.440 Testimony of children under age fourteen—Remote testimony—Number of child sexual abuse cases referred for prosecution and number prosecuted—Annual survey—Reports to the legislature.
43.101.450 Violence de-escalation training.
43.101.452 Mental health training.
43.101.455 Violence de-escalation and mental health training—Adoption of rules—Training requirements.
43.101.901 Transfer of conference center.
43.101.902 Effective date—2001 c 167.