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U.S. State Codes
Title 43 - State Government...
Chapter 43.08 - State Treasurer.
Chapter 43.08 - State Treasurer.
43.08.005 Definitions.
43.08.010 General duties.
43.08.015 Cash management duties.
43.08.020 Residence—Bond—Oath.
43.08.030 Seal.
43.08.040 Administration of oaths.
43.08.050 Records and accounts—Public inspection.
43.08.060 Duplicate receipts.
43.08.061 Warrants—Department of enterprise services—Printing—Retention of redeemed warrants.
43.08.062 Warrants—Presentation—Cancellation.
43.08.064 Lost or destroyed warrants, instruments, or other evidence of indebtedness—Issuing officer to issue duplicate.
43.08.066 Lost or destroyed warrants, instruments, or other evidence of indebtedness—Conditions on issuance.
43.08.068 Lost or destroyed warrants, instruments, or other evidence of indebtedness—Records to be kept—Cancellation of originals—Notice.
43.08.070 Warrants—Indorsement—Interest—Issuance of new warrants.
43.08.080 Call of warrants.
43.08.090 Fiscal agent for state.
43.08.100 Fiscal agent for state—Duties of fiscal agent.
43.08.110 Fiscal agent for state—Fiscal agent's receipts.
43.08.120 Assistant—Deputies—Responsibility for acts.
43.08.130 Wilful refusal to pay warrants—Exceptions—Recovery.
43.08.135 Cash or demand deposits—Duty to maintain—RCW 9A.56.060(1) not deemed violated, when.
43.08.140 Embezzlement—Penalty.
43.08.150 Monthly financial report on funds and accounts.
43.08.160 Monthly financial report—Report to be printed.
43.08.180 Cashing checks, drafts, and state warrants—Discretionary—Conditions—Procedure upon dishonor.
43.08.190 State treasurer's service fund—Creation—Purpose.
43.08.200 State treasurer's service fund—Expenditure limitation.
43.08.250 Money received by treasurer from certain court actions—Use.
43.08.280 Statewide custody contract for local governments and institutions of higher education.
43.08.290 City-county assistance account—Use and distribution of funds.
43.08.300 Public deposit protection—Report.