RCW 42.56.320 Educational information.
The following educational information is exempt from disclosure under this chapter:
(1) Financial disclosures filed by private vocational schools under chapters 28B.85 and 28C.10 RCW;
(2) Financial and commercial information supplied by or on behalf of a person, firm, corporation, or entity under chapter 28B.95 RCW relating to the purchase or sale of tuition units and contracts for the purchase of multiple tuition units;
(3) Individually identifiable information received by the workforce training and education coordinating board for research or evaluation purposes;
(4) Except for public records as defined in RCW 40.14.010, any records or documents obtained by a state college, university, library, or archive through or concerning any gift, grant, conveyance, bequest, or devise, the terms of which restrict or regulate public access to those records or documents; and
(5) The annual declaration of intent filed by parents under RCW 28A.200.010 for a child to receive home-based instruction.
[ 2009 c 191 § 1; 2005 c 274 § 412.]