RCW 42.56.152 Training—Public records officers.
(1) Public records officers designated under RCW 42.56.580 and records officers designated under RCW 40.14.040 must complete a training course regarding the provisions of this chapter, and also chapter 40.14 RCW for records retention.
(2) Public records officers must:
(a) Complete training no later than ninety days after assuming responsibilities as a public records officer or records manager; and
(b) Complete refresher training at intervals of no more than four years as long as they maintain the designation.
(3) Training must be consistent with the attorney general's model rules for compliance with the public records act.
(4) Training may be completed remotely with technology including but not limited to internet-based training.
(5) Training must address particular issues related to the retention, production, and disclosure of electronic documents, including updating and improving technology information services.
[ 2017 c 303 § 2; 2014 c 66 § 4.]
Findings—Short title—Effective date—2014 c 66: See notes following RCW 42.56.150.