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U.S. State Codes
Title 42 - Public Officers ...
Chapter 42.17A - Campaign Disclosure and Contri...
Chapter 42.17A - Campaign Disclosure and Contribution.
42.17A.001 Declaration of policy.
42.17A.005 Definitions.
42.17A.010 Conservation district exception.
42.17A.020 Statements and reports public records.
42.17A.055 Electronic filing—Availability.
42.17A.060 Access to reports—Legislative intent.
42.17A.065 Access performance measures.
42.17A.100 Public disclosure commission—Established—Commissioners—Prohibited activities—Compensation, travel expenses.
42.17A.105 Commission—Duties.
42.17A.110 Commission—Additional powers.
42.17A.120 Suspension or modification of reporting requirements.
42.17A.125 Revising monetary contribution limits, reporting thresholds, and code values.
42.17A.130 Duties of attorney general.
42.17A.135 Application of reporting requirements in small political subdivisions.
42.17A.140 Date of receipt—Exceptions—Electronic filings.
42.17A.145 Certification of reports.
42.17A.150 Duty to preserve statements and reports.
42.17A.160 Subpoenas.
42.17A.200 Application of chapter—Exceptions.
42.17A.205 Statement of organization by political committees.
42.17A.207 Statement of organization by incidental committees.
42.17A.210 Treasurer.
42.17A.215 Depositories.
42.17A.220 Deposit of contributions—Investment—Unidentified contributions.
42.17A.225 Filing and reporting by continuing political committee.
42.17A.230 Fund-raising activities—Alternative reporting method.
42.17A.235 Reporting of contributions and expenditures—Public inspection of accounts.
42.17A.240 Contents of report.
42.17A.250 Out-of-state political committees—Reports.
42.17A.255 Special reports—Independent expenditures.
42.17A.260 Special reports—Political advertising.
42.17A.265 Special reports—Late contributions or large totals—Certain late contributions prohibited.
42.17A.270 Earmarked contributions.
42.17A.300 Findings—Intent—Rule-making authority.
42.17A.305 Report—Information required—Time—Method—By whom—Penalty.
42.17A.310 When a contribution.
42.17A.315 Recordkeeping.
42.17A.320 Identification of sponsor—Exemptions.
42.17A.330 Picture of candidate.
42.17A.335 Political advertising or electioneering communication—Libel or defamation per se.
42.17A.340 Responsibility for compliance.
42.17A.345 Commercial advertisers—Public inspection of documents—Copies to commission.
42.17A.350 Top five contributors to political advertisement.
42.17A.400 Findings—Intent.
42.17A.405 Limits specified—Exemptions.
42.17A.410 Candidates for judicial office—Special elections to fill vacancies—Contribution limits—Adjustments.
42.17A.415 Contributions.
42.17A.420 Reportable contributions—Preelection limitations.
42.17A.425 Expenditures—Authorization of and restrictions on.
42.17A.430 Disposal of surplus funds.
42.17A.435 Identification of contributions and communications.
42.17A.440 Candidates' political committees—Limitations.
42.17A.442 Contributions by political committees to political committees.
42.17A.445 Personal use of contributions—When permitted.
42.17A.450 Attribution and aggregation of family contributions.
42.17A.455 Attribution of contributions by controlled entities.
42.17A.460 Attribution of contributions generally—"Earmarking."
42.17A.465 Restriction on loans.
42.17A.470 Contributions on behalf of another.
42.17A.475 Certain contributions required to be by written instrument.
42.17A.480 Solicitation of endorsement fees.
42.17A.485 Reimbursement for contributions.
42.17A.490 Prohibition on use of contributions for a different office.
42.17A.495 Limitations on employers or labor organizations.
42.17A.500 Agency shop fees as contributions.
42.17A.550 Use of public funds for political purposes.
42.17A.555 Use of public office or agency facilities in campaigns—Prohibition—Exceptions.
42.17A.560 Time limit for state official to solicit or accept contributions.
42.17A.565 Solicitation of contributions by public officials or employees.
42.17A.570 Public accounts of governmental entities held by financial institutions—Statements and reports—Contents—Filing.
42.17A.575 Public service announcements.
42.17A.600 Registration of lobbyists.
42.17A.603 Code of conduct—Verification—Penalty.
42.17A.605 Photograph and information—Publication.
42.17A.610 Exemption from registration and reporting.
42.17A.615 Reporting by lobbyists—Rules.
42.17A.620 Notification to person named in report.
42.17A.625 Special reports—Lobbyists—Late contributions or large totals.
42.17A.630 Reports by employers of registered lobbyists, other persons.
42.17A.635 Legislative activities of state agencies, other units of government, elective officials, employees.
42.17A.640 Grass roots lobbying campaigns.
42.17A.645 Employment of legislators, board or commission members, or state employees—Statement, contents.
42.17A.650 Employment of unregistered persons.
42.17A.655 Lobbyists' duties, restrictions—Penalties for violations.
42.17A.700 Elected and appointed officials, candidates, and appointees—Reports of financial affairs and gifts.
42.17A.705 "Executive state officer" defined.
42.17A.710 Contents of report.
42.17A.715 Concealing identity of source of payment prohibited—Exception.
42.17A.750 Civil remedies and sanctions—Referral for criminal prosecution.
42.17A.755 Violations—Determination by commission—Penalties—Procedure.
42.17A.760 Procedure upon petition for enforcement of order of commission—Court's order of enforcement.
42.17A.765 Enforcement—Attorney general.
42.17A.770 Limitation on actions.
42.17A.775 Citizen's action.
42.17A.780 Damages, costs, and attorneys' fees—Joint and several liability.
42.17A.785 Public disclosure transparency account.
42.17A.900 Effective date—1973 c 1.
42.17A.904 Construction—1973 c 1.
42.17A.905 Chapter, section headings not part of law.
42.17A.906 Repealer—1973 c 1.
42.17A.907 Construction—1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 112.
42.17A.908 Captions.
42.17A.909 Short title—1993 c 2.
42.17A.910 Effective date—1995 c 397.
42.17A.911 Captions—1995 c 397.
42.17A.915 Effective dates—2005 c 445.
42.17A.917 Effective date—2010 c 204 §§ 505, 602, and 703.
42.17A.918 Effective date—2010 c 204.
42.17A.919 Effective date—2011 c 60.