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U.S. State Codes
Title 41 - Public Employmen...
Chapter 41.44 - Statewide City Employees' Retir...
Chapter 41.44 - Statewide City Employees' Retirement.
41.44.010 Title of chapter.
41.44.020 Purpose of chapter.
41.44.030 Terms defined.
41.44.040 System created—Operative date.
41.44.050 Election to participate.
41.44.060 Persons excluded.
41.44.070 Board of trustees.
41.44.080 Powers and duties of board—Compensation—Liability.
41.44.090 Contributions by cities—Withdrawal from system.
41.44.100 Retirement fund—Deposit—Investment—Cost.
41.44.105 Supplemental benefits fund.
41.44.110 Membership.
41.44.120 Prior service credit.
41.44.130 Contributions by employees.
41.44.140 Retirement for service.
41.44.150 Allowance on retirement for service.
41.44.160 Retirement for disability.
41.44.170 Allowance on retirement for disability.
41.44.180 Examination of disability beneficiary—Reentry.
41.44.190 Withdrawal from system—Reentry—Payment on death of member.
41.44.200 Withdrawal—Procedure as to city's contribution.
41.44.210 Benefit on death in line of duty.
41.44.220 Optional allowance on retirement.
41.44.230 Monthly payments.
41.44.240 Rights immune from legal process—Exceptions.
41.44.250 Suspension of retirement allowance.
41.44.260 Merger of existing or new systems into statewide system—Contract.
41.44.270 Agreements between board and cities which accept social security act benefits.
41.44.300 System abolished—Date—Transfer of assets, liabilities, and responsibilities.
41.44.900 Construction—Chapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships—2009 c 521.