RCW 41.05.800 Community of health pilot projects—Designation—Grants—Rules. (Expires July 1, 2020.)
(1) The authority shall, subject to the availability of amounts appropriated or grants received for this specific purpose, award grants to support the development of two pilot projects for a community of health. A community of health is a regionally based, voluntary collaborative. The purpose of the collaborative is to align actions to achieve healthy communities and populations, improve health care quality, and lower costs. Grants may only be used for start-up costs.
(2) The authority shall develop a process for designating an entity as a community of health. An entity seeking designation is eligible if:
(a) It is a nonprofit or public-private partnership, including those led by local public health agencies;
(b) Its membership is broad and incorporates key stakeholders, such as the long-term care system, the health care delivery system, behavioral health, social supports and services, primary care and specialty providers, hospitals, consumers, small and large employers, health plans, and public health, with no single entity or organizational cohort serving in a majority capacity; and
(c) It demonstrates an ongoing capacity to:
(i) Lead health improvement activities within the region with other local systems to improve health outcomes and the overall health of the community, improve health care quality, and lower costs; and
(ii) Distribute tools and resources from the health extension program created in RCW 43.70.725.
(3) In awarding grants under this section, the authority shall consider the extent to which the applicant will:
(a) Base decisions on public input and an active collaboration among key community partners, which can include, but are not limited to, local governments, housing providers, school districts, early learning regional coalitions, large and small businesses, labor organizations, health and human service organizations, tribal governments, health carriers, providers, hospitals, public health agencies, and consumers;
(b) Match the grant funding with funds from other sources; and
(c) Demonstrate capability for sustainability without reliance on state general fund appropriations.
(4) The authority may prioritize applications that commit to providing at least one dollar in matching funds for each grant dollar awarded.
(5) Before grant funds are disbursed, the authority and the applicant must agree on performance requirements.
(6) The authority may adopt rules necessary to implement this section, but may not adopt rules, policies, or procedures beyond the scope of the authority granted in this section.
[ 2014 c 223 § 4.]
Expiration date—2014 c 223 § 4: "Section 4 of this act expires July 1, 2020." [ 2014 c 223 § 21.]
Finding—2014 c 223: "(1) The legislature finds that the state of Washington has an opportunity to transform its health care delivery system.
(2) The state health care innovation plan establishes the following primary drivers of health transformation, each with individual key actions that are necessary to achieve the objective:
(a) Improve health overall by stressing prevention and early detection of disease and integration of behavioral health;
(b) Developing linkages between the health care delivery system and community; and
(c) Supporting regional collaboratives for communities and populations, improve health care quality, and lower costs." [ 2014 c 223 § 1.]