RCW 41.05.760 Recovery residences—Registry.
(1) The authority shall establish and maintain a registry of approved recovery residences. The authority may contract with a nationally recognized recovery residence certification organization based in Washington to establish and maintain the registry.
(2) The authority or the contracted entity described in subsection (1) of this section shall determine that a recovery residence is approved for inclusion in the registry if the recovery residence has been certified by a nationally recognized recovery residence certification organization based in Washington that is approved by the authority or if the recovery residence is a chapter of a national recovery residence organization with peer-run homes that is approved by the authority as meeting the following standards in its certification process:
(a) Peers are required to be involved in the governance of the recovery residence;
(b) Recovery support is integrated into the daily activities;
(c) The recovery residence must be maintained as a home-like environment that promotes healthy recovery;
(d) Resident activities are promoted within the recovery residence and in the community through work, education, community engagement, or other activities; and
(e) The recovery residence maintains an environment free from alcohol and illicit drugs.
(3) Nothing in this section requires that a recovery residence become certified by the certifying organization approved by the authority in subsection (2) of this section or be included in the registry, unless the recovery residence decides to participate in the recovery residence program activities established in this chapter.
(4) For the purposes of this section, "recovery residence" means a home-like environment that promotes healthy recovery from a substance use disorder and supports persons recovering from a substance use disorder through the use of peer recovery support.
[ 2019 c 264 § 2.]
Findings—2019 c 264: "(1) The legislature finds that substance use disorder is a disease impacting the whole family and the whole society and requires a system of care that includes prevention, treatment, and recovery services that support and strengthen impacted individuals, families, and the community at large.
(2) The legislature further finds that access to quality recovery housing is crucial for helping individuals remain in recovery from substance use disorder beyond treatment. Furthermore, recovery housing serves to preserve the state's financial investment in a person's treatment. Without access to quality recovery housing, individuals are much less likely to recover from substance use disorder and more likely to face continued issues that impact their well-being, their families, and their communities. These issues include death by overdose or other substance use disorder-related medical complications; higher health care costs; high use of emergency departments and public health care systems; higher risk for involvement with law enforcement and incarceration; and an inability to obtain and maintain employment. These challenges are compounded by an overall lack of affordable housing nationwide.
(3) The legislature recognizes that recovery is a long-term process and requires a comprehensive approach. Recognizing the potential for fraudulent and unethical recovery housing operators, this act is designed to address the quality of recovery housing in the state of Washington." [ 2019 c 264 § 1.]