RCW 41.05.310 Salary reduction plan—Policies and procedures—Plan document.
The authority shall have responsibility for the formulation and adoption of a plan, policies, and procedures designed to guide, direct, and administer the salary reduction plan. For the plan year beginning January 1, 1996, the *administrator may establish a premium only plan. Expansion of the salary reduction plan or cafeteria plan during subsequent plan years shall be subject to approval by the director of the office of financial management.
(1) A plan document describing the benefits offered under the salary reduction plan shall be adopted and administered by the authority. The authority shall represent the state in all matters concerning the administration of the plan. The state, through the authority, may engage the services of a professional consultant or administrator on a contractual basis to serve as an agent to assist the authority or perform the administrative functions necessary in carrying out the purposes of RCW 41.05.123, 41.05.300 through 41.05.350, and 41.05.295.
(2) The authority shall formulate and establish policies and procedures for the administration of the salary reduction plan that are consistent with existing state law, the internal revenue code, and the regulations adopted by the internal revenue service as they may apply to the benefits offered to participants under the plan.
(3) Every action taken by the authority in administering RCW 41.05.123, 41.05.300 through 41.05.350, and 41.05.295 shall be presumed to be a fair and reasonable exercise of the authority vested in or the duties imposed upon it. The authority shall be presumed to have exercised reasonable care, diligence, and prudence and to have acted impartially as to all persons interested unless the contrary be proved by clear and convincing affirmative evidence.
[ 2008 c 229 § 4; 1995 1st sp.s. c 6 § 12.]
*Reviser's note: The definition for "administrator" was changed to "director" by 2011 1st sp.s. c 15 § 57.
Effective date—2008 c 229: See note following RCW 41.05.295.
Effective date—1995 1st sp.s. c 6: See note following RCW 28A.400.410.