RCW 41.04.440 Members' retirement contributions—Pick up by employer—Purpose—Benefits not contractual right.
(1) The sole purpose of RCW 41.04.445 and 41.04.450 is to allow the members of the retirement systems created in chapters 2.10, 2.12, 41.26, 41.32, 41.35, 41.37, 41.40, 41.34, and 43.43 RCW to enjoy the tax deferral benefits allowed under 26 U.S.C. 414(h). Chapter 227, Laws of 1984 does not alter in any manner the provisions of RCW 41.45.060, 41.45.061, and 41.45.067 which require that the member contribution rates shall be set so as to provide fifty percent of the cost of the respective retirement plans.
(2) Should the legislature revoke any benefit allowed under 26 U.S.C. 414(h), no affected employee shall be entitled thereafter to receive such benefit as a matter of contractual right.
[ 2007 c 492 § 3; 2000 c 247 § 1101; 1995 c 239 § 322; 1984 c 227 § 1.]
Effective dates—Subchapter headings not law—2000 c 247: See RCW 41.40.931 and 41.40.932.
Intent—Purpose—1995 c 239: See note following RCW 41.32.831.
Effective date—Part and subchapter headings not law—1995 c 239: See notes following RCW 41.32.005.
Effective date—1984 c 227: "This act shall take effect on September 1, 1984." [ 1984 c 227 § 4.]
Conflict with federal requirements—1984 c 227: "If any part of this act is found to be in conflict with federal requirements, the conflicting part of the act is hereby declared to be inoperative solely to the extent of the conflict and such finding or determination shall not affect the operation of the remainder of the act in its application: PROVIDED, That the employee proportional contributions required under RCW 41.26.450, 41.32.775 and 41.40.650 may not be altered in any manner. The rules under this act shall meet federal requirements." [ 1984 c 227 § 6.]
Severability—1984 c 227: "If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected: PROVIDED, That the employee proportional contributions required under RCW 41.26.450, 41.32.775 and 41.40.650 may not be altered in any manner." [ 1984 c 227 § 7.]
Benefits not contractual right until date specified: RCW 41.34.100.