RCW 41.04.190 Hospitalization and medical aid for county, municipal and other political subdivision employees or elected officials—Cost not additional compensation—Disbursement.
The cost of a policy or plan to a public agency or body is not additional compensation to the employees or elected officials covered thereby. The elected officials to whom this section applies include but are not limited to commissioners elected under chapters 28A.315, 52.14, 53.12, 54.12, 57.12, 70.44, and 87.03 RCW, as well as any county elected officials who are provided insurance coverage under RCW 41.04.180, and city officials elected under chapters 35.17, 35.22, 35.23, 35.27, 35A.12, and 35A.13 RCW. Any officer authorized to disburse such funds may pay in whole or in part to an insurance carrier or health care service contractor the amount of the premiums due under the contract.
[ 2007 c 42 § 1; 1996 c 230 § 1610; 1992 c 146 § 13; 1983 1st ex.s. c 37 § 1; 1965 c 57 § 2; 1963 c 75 § 2.]
Part headings not law—Effective date—1996 c 230: See notes following RCW 57.02.001.
Action disqualifying legislators proscribed—Severability—1965 c 57: "No board of county commissioners shall take any action under this 1965 amendatory act which shall disqualify members of the present legislature, under Article II, section 13, of the Constitution, from being candidates for or being elected or appointed to county elected offices.
If any provision of the action of a board of county commissioners is held invalid under the preceding paragraph of this section, the remainder of the action or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected." [ 1965 c 57 § 3.]