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U.S. State Codes
Title 38 - Militia and Mili...
Chapter 38.38 - Washington Code of Military Jus...
Chapter 38.38 - Washington Code of Military Justice.
38.38.004 Definitions—Construction.
38.38.008 Persons subject to this code.
38.38.012 Jurisdiction to try certain personnel.
38.38.016 Dismissal of commissioned officer.
38.38.020 Territorial applicability of the code.
38.38.024 Judge advocates and legal officers.
38.38.064 Apprehension.
38.38.068 Apprehension of deserters.
38.38.072 Imposition of restraint.
38.38.076 Restraint of persons charged with offenses.
38.38.080 Confinement in jails.
38.38.084 Reports and receiving of prisoners.
38.38.088 Punishment prohibited before trial.
38.38.092 Delivery of offenders to civil authorities.
38.38.132 Commanding officer's nonjudicial punishment—Suspension—Appeal.
38.38.172 Courts-martial of organized militia not in federal service—Composition—Jurisdiction—Powers and proceedings.
38.38.176 Jurisdiction of courts-martial in general.
38.38.180 Jurisdiction of general courts-martial.
38.38.184 Jurisdiction of special courts-martial—Dishonorable discharge.
38.38.188 Jurisdiction of summary courts-martial.
38.38.192 Sentences of dismissal or dishonorable discharge to be approved by the governor.
38.38.196 Complete record of proceedings and testimony if dishonorable discharge or dismissal adjudged.
38.38.200 Confinement instead of fine.
38.38.240 Who may convene general courts-martial.
38.38.244 Special courts-martial of organized militia not in federal service—Who may convene.
38.38.248 Summary courts-martial of organized militia not in federal service—Who may convene.
38.38.252 Who may serve on courts-martial.
38.38.256 Military judge of a general or special court-martial.
38.38.258 Military judges—Qualifications.
38.38.260 Detail of trial counsel and defense counsel.
38.38.264 Detail or employment of reporters and interpreters.
38.38.268 Absent and additional members.
38.38.308 Charges and specifications.
38.38.312 Compulsory self-incrimination prohibited.
38.38.316 Investigation.
38.38.320 Forwarding of charges.
38.38.324 Advice of state judge advocate and reference for trial.
38.38.328 Service of charges.
38.38.368 Governor may prescribe rules.
38.38.372 Unlawfully influencing action of court.
38.38.376 Duties of trial counsel and defense counsel.
38.38.380 Sessions.
38.38.384 Continuances.
38.38.388 Challenges.
38.38.392 Oaths.
38.38.396 Statute of limitations.
38.38.400 Former jeopardy.
38.38.404 Pleas of the accused.
38.38.408 Opportunity to obtain witnesses and other evidence.
38.38.412 Refusal to appear or testify—Penalty.
38.38.416 Contempts.
38.38.420 Depositions.
38.38.424 Admissibility of records of courts of inquiry.
38.38.428 Voting, rulings, instructions.
38.38.432 Number of votes required.
38.38.436 Court to announce action.
38.38.440 Record of trial.
38.38.480 Cruel and unusual punishments prohibited.
38.38.484 Maximum limits—Reduction in pay grade.
38.38.488 Effective date of sentences.
38.38.492 Execution of confinement.
38.38.532 Execution of sentence—Suspension of sentence.
38.38.536 Initial action on the record.
38.38.540 Initial action on the record—General court-martial records.
38.38.544 Reconsideration and revision.
38.38.548 Rehearings.
38.38.552 Approval by the convening authority.
38.38.556 Review of records—Disposition.
38.38.560 Error of law—Lesser included offense.
38.38.564 Review counsel.
38.38.568 Vacation of suspension.
38.38.572 Petition for a new trial.
38.38.576 Remission and suspension.
38.38.580 Restoration.
38.38.584 Finality of proceedings, findings and sentences.
38.38.624 Persons to be tried or punished.
38.38.628 Principals.
38.38.632 Accessory after the fact.
38.38.636 Conviction of lesser included offense.
38.38.640 Attempts.
38.38.644 Conspiracy.
38.38.648 Solicitation.
38.38.652 Fraudulent enlistment, appointment, or separation.
38.38.656 Unlawful enlistment, appointment, or separation.
38.38.660 Desertion.
38.38.664 Absence without leave.
38.38.668 Missing movement.
38.38.672 Contempt towards officials.
38.38.676 Disrespect towards superior commissioned officer.
38.38.680 Assaulting or willfully disobeying superior commissioned officer.
38.38.684 Insubordinate conduct toward warrant officer or noncommissioned officer.
38.38.688 Failure to obey order or regulation.
38.38.692 Cruelty and maltreatment.
38.38.696 Mutiny or sedition.
38.38.700 Resistance, breach of arrest, and escape.
38.38.704 Releasing prisoner without proper authority.
38.38.708 Unlawful detention of another.
38.38.712 Noncompliance with procedural rules.
38.38.716 Misbehavior before the enemy.
38.38.720 Subordinate compelling surrender.
38.38.724 Improper use of countersign.
38.38.728 Forcing a safeguard.
38.38.732 Captured or abandoned property.
38.38.736 Aiding the enemy.
38.38.740 Misconduct of a prisoner.
38.38.744 False official statements.
38.38.748 Military property—Loss, damage, destruction, or wrongful disposition.
38.38.752 Property other than military property—Waste, spoilage, or destruction.
38.38.756 Improper hazarding of vessel.
38.38.760 Reckless or impaired operation of a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel.
38.38.762 Use, possession, or distribution of controlled substances.
38.38.764 Drunk on duty—Sleeping on post—Leaving post before relief.
38.38.768 Dueling.
38.38.772 Malingering.
38.38.776 Riot or breach of peace.
38.38.780 Provoking speeches or gestures.
38.38.782 Assault upon another member of the organized militia.
38.38.783 Larceny and wrongful appropriation.
38.38.784 Perjury.
38.38.788 Frauds against the government.
38.38.796 Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman.
38.38.800 General article.
38.38.840 Courts of inquiry.
38.38.844 Authority to administer oaths.
38.38.848 Sections to be explained.
38.38.852 Complaints of wrongs.
38.38.856 Redress of injuries to property.
38.38.860 Execution of process and sentence.
38.38.864 Process of military courts.
38.38.868 Payment of fines and disposition thereof.
38.38.872 Immunity for action of military courts.
38.38.876 Presumption of jurisdiction.
38.38.880 Delegation of authority by the governor.
38.38.884 Uniformity of interpretation.
38.38.888 Short title.