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U.S. State Codes
Title 36 - Counties
Chapter 36.18 - Fees of County Officers.
Chapter 36.18 - Fees of County Officers.
36.18.005 Definitions.
36.18.010 Auditor's fees.
36.18.012 Various fees collected—Division with state.
36.18.014 Fees—Division with county law library—Petition for emancipation for minors.
36.18.016 Various fees collected—Not subject to division.
36.18.018 Fees to state court, administrative office of the courts—Appellate review fee and surcharge—Variable fee for copies and reports.
36.18.020 Clerk's fees, surcharges.
36.18.022 Filing fees may be waived—When.
36.18.025 Portion of filing fees to be remitted to state treasurer.
36.18.030 Coroner's fees.
36.18.040 Sheriff's fees.
36.18.045 Treasurer's fees.
36.18.050 Fees in special cases.
36.18.060 Fees payable in advance—Exception.
36.18.070 Single mileage chargeable when.
36.18.080 Fee schedule to be kept posted.
36.18.090 Itemized receipt to be given.
36.18.160 Penalty for taking illegal fees.
36.18.170 Penalty for failure to pay over fees.
36.18.180 Office to be declared vacant on conviction.
36.18.190 Collection of unpaid financial obligations—Collection contracts—Interest to collection agencies authorized.