RCW 36.04.140 Grays Harbor county.
Grays Harbor county shall consist of the territory bounded as follows, to wit: Commencing at the northeast corner of Pacific county; thence west to the west boundary of the state in the Pacific Ocean; thence northerly along said boundary, including Gray's Harbor, to a point opposite the mouth of Queets river; thence east to the west boundary line of Mason county; thence south to the northeast corner of township eighteen north, range seven west; thence east fourteen miles to the southeast corner of section thirty-two, township nineteen north, range four west; thence south six miles to the southeast corner of section thirty-two in township eighteen north, range four west; thence east two miles to the southeast corner of section thirty-four in the same township; thence south to a point due east of the northeast corner of Pacific county; thence west to the place of beginning.
[(i) 1 H.C. §3; 1873 p 482 § 1; 1869 p 296 § 1; RRS § 3927. (ii) 1915 c 77 § 1; RRS § 3938. (iii) 1925 ex.s. c 40 § 1; RRS § 3963-1.]