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U.S. State Codes
Title 35A - Optional Munici...
Chapter 35A.13 - Council-Manager Plan of Govern...
Chapter 35A.13 - Council-Manager Plan of Government.
35A.13.010 City officers—Size of council.
35A.13.020 Election of councilmembers—Eligibility—Terms—Vacancies—Forfeiture of office—Council chair.
35A.13.030 Mayor—Election—Chair to be mayor—Duties.
35A.13.033 Election on proposition to designate person elected to position one as chair—Subsequent holders of position one to be chair.
35A.13.035 Mayor pro tempore or deputy mayor.
35A.13.040 Compensation of councilmembers—Expenses.
35A.13.050 City manager—Qualifications.
35A.13.060 City manager may serve two or more cities.
35A.13.070 City manager—Bond and oath.
35A.13.080 City manager—Powers and duties.
35A.13.090 Creation of departments, offices, and employment—Compensation.
35A.13.100 City manager—Department heads—Authority.
35A.13.110 City manager—Appointment of subordinates—Qualifications—Terms.
35A.13.120 City manager—Interference by councilmembers.
35A.13.130 City manager—Removal—Resolution and notice.
35A.13.140 City manager—Removal—Reply and hearing.
35A.13.150 City manager—Substitute.
35A.13.160 Oath and bond of officers.
35A.13.170 Council meetings—Quorum—Rules—Voting.
35A.13.180 Adoption of codes by reference.
35A.13.190 Ordinances—Style—Requisites—Veto.
35A.13.200 Authentication, recording and publication of ordinances.
35A.13.210 Audit and allowance of demands against city.
35A.13.220 Optional division of city into wards.
35A.13.230 Powers of council.