RCW 35.13.030 Election method—Petition for election—Content.
A petition filed with the county commissioners to call an annexation election shall, subject to RCW 35.02.170, particularly describe the boundaries of the area proposed to be annexed, state the number of voters residing therein as nearly as may be, state the provisions, if any there be, relating to assumption of debt by the owners of property of the area proposed to be annexed, and/or the simultaneous adoption of a comprehensive plan for the area proposed to be annexed, and shall pray for the calling of an election to be held among the qualified voters therein upon the question of annexation. If the petition also provides for the creation of a community municipal corporation and election of community councilmembers, the petition shall also describe the boundaries of the proposed service area, state the number of voters residing therein as nearly as may be, and pray for the election of community councilmembers by the qualified voters residing in the service area.
[ 1975 1st ex.s. c 220 § 7; 1967 c 73 § 9; 1965 ex.s. c 88 § 5; 1965 c 7 § 35.13.030. Prior: 1961 c 282 § 8; prior: 1907 c 245 § 2, part; RRS § 8897, part.]
Legislative finding, intent—1975 1st ex.s. c 220: See note following RCW 35.02.170.